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Episode 62: Kevin Garrett

by | Oct 14, 2021 | Podcast | 0 comments

Thank you for tuning in for another episode of Life’s Best Medicine. This week Dr. Brian is joined by Kevin Garrett. If you have listened to episodes 59-61, then you have already been introduced to Kevin by his mother, Marcy. Like Marcy, Kevin has an amazing story to tell and, in this episode, he shares it with us.

Brian and Kevin discuss the damaging nature of having negative labels attached to you, the subtle deception of one’s autonomous standards of judgement masquerading as goodness, and Kevin’s amazing experience with God which was the catalyst to repentance. Kevin also talks about the power of the Spirit to change one’s heart, the relational nature of knowing and following God, God’s identification of who you are versus your own identification of who you are, listening to the Spirit’s leading to bless people, and the unfathomable love of God.

Life’s Best Medicine According to Kevin: “Don’t compare yourself to the people around you. If you are going to compare yourself at all, compare yourself to the person you were yesterday. You have got to be present with the Lord. The present moment is where we can connect with God. So be ready to hear when God calls you. Be present, listen, and be ready to obey when God calls.”


Dr. Brian Lenzkes:

Kevin Garrett:

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