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Episode 57: Jeff Kotterman

by | Sep 15, 2021 | Podcast | 0 comments

Thank you for tuning in for another episode of Life’s Best Medicine. Jeff Kotterman is a licensed Master Sports Nutritionist (the first in San Diego!). He is also a coach, mentor, teacher, speaker, researcher, and is the founder of the TriSystem Health Network. In addition to holding every certification the NASN has to offer, he has earned a degree in health and physical education from the College of New Jersey in Trenton and holds additional certifications from AFAA, ACE, and NAFC.

Brian and Jeff talk about how they discovered the benefits of low-carb eating. They also discuss the multifactorial nature of health, the freedom and joy of knowing, practicing, and teaching truth, the nuanced art of effective health/fitness coaching, and new technologies and systems of doing healthcare that are making patients, doctors, and health practitioners healthier and happier.

Life’s Best Medicine According to Jeff: “It is realizing that you’ve gotta let God—someone who has your best interest in mind—lead the way. Left to my own devices, I’m gonna screw it up. Until I said to God, ‘What do You have for me? What did You make me for?,’ I was beating my head against the wall.”

Thank you for listening. Have a blessed day and stay healthy!


Jeff Kotterman:

Dr. Brian Lenzkes:

Check out this episode on Libsyn!

Life’s Best Medicine is sponsored by Simply Snackin’ on-the-go high-protein, low-carb, beef and chicken snacks crafted to be delicious AND nutritious, naturally!