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Episode 50: Kevin Miller

by | Jul 28, 2021 | Podcast | 0 comments

Thank you for tuning in for another episode of Life’s Best Medicine. In this episode, Brian talks with his friend Kevin Miller—the Administrative Pastor of Foothills Christian Church in San Diego. He joined the Foothills’ full-time staff back in 2008 and has over 40 years of experience in ministry. He is the host of Sent 315,  a podcast with the goal of “Demystifying Evangelism via Practical Insights & Conversations on Sharing your Faith.”

In their discussion, Brian and Kevin talk about Sent 315, always being ready to share your testimony, how to interact and dialogue productively with unreligious people, the importance of being a good listener when. Seeking to establish good relations, the spiritual ravages and dangers of social isolation, the danger of judging larger communities by the actions of one member, why we should not let political or religious differences divide us, and the joy of living a life that seeks to emulate Christ.

Life’s Best Medicine According to Kevin: “Love people well.”

Thank you for listening. Have a blessed day and stay healthy!


Kevin Smith:

Dr. Brian Lenzkes:

Check out this episode on Libsyn!

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