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Episode 35: Claudia Salazar

by | Apr 28, 2021 | Podcast | 0 comments

Thank you for tuning in for another episode of Life’s Best Medicine. Claudia Salazar is the Director of La Aurora Zoo in Guatemala and is married to retired professional footballer, Jorge Rodas. She is also a mother of three children—Gabriel, Andres, and Lucy.

Andres, complaining about a stomachache one day, was taken to the doctor and they discovered he had cancer.

In this episode, Claudia shares the emotional and spiritual turmoil of learning your child has cancer, walking through the cancer treatment, and how this ordeal brought her closer to God. She talks about how she learned to lean on faith, her own experience fighting breast cancer shortly after her son’s recovery, the value of seeking and trusting God, and the need everyone has for the kindness and support of others.

Life’s Best Medicine, according to Claudia: “It is to have faith. Then you go through life knowing you are not alone in any situation. Even if the situations are difficult sometimes, they all have a purpose and they won’t last forever. God will always be there for you. Also, it is giving endlessly to your family, to your community, and to whomever you can.”

Thank you for listening. Have a blessed day and stay healthy!


Dr. Brian Lenzkes:

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