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Episode 34: Navin Hettiarachchi (Part 2)

by | Apr 22, 2021 | Podcast | 0 comments

Thank you for tuning in for another episode of Life’s Best Medicine. Navin Hettiarachchi is a comprehensive healer with experience and expertise utilizing a wide array of healthcare disciplines to help people achieve optimal wellness—osteopathic medicine, functional medicine, chiropractic care, and acupuncture to name just a few. He is also the host of “9 to Thrive with Navin,” an inspirational podcast in which Navin invites guests to share uplifting stories and messages with his listeners.

In this episode, Navin shares some insights into his approach to working with a new patient or client, the power to choose—a power that all people possess—providing guidance for people to help them learn to choose what is good and to recognize that they have this power, choosing to live to the fullest and thrive in the present moment, the REDT Method (Root cause, Evaluation, Design, and Transformational treatment), cherishing and appreciating your spouse, learning to self-evaluate rather than blame as a first response to a negative or unpleasant situation, why mindfulness is the best supplement, the power of the mind to heal, and breathing techniques.

Navin shares these quick pieces of advice that anyone can implement in their life for free to improve their wellness: get quality deep sleep, eat food that you can pronounce or that has ingredients you can pronounce and that needs sun, water, and soil to manifest, be in a state of mindfulness and peace to avoid creating diseases inside yourself, and move throughout the day.

Life’s Best Medicine According to Navin: “It is what is between your ears. It is inner peace. Inner peace is priceless. You cannot do anything without it.”

Thank you for listening. Have a blessed day and stay healthy!


Navin Hettiarachchi:

Dr. Brian Lenzkes:

Check out this episode on Libsyn!

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