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Episode 31: Andy Reynolds

by | Apr 7, 2021 | Podcast | 0 comments

Thank you for tuning in for another episode of Life’s Best Medicine. Andy Reynolds is a charge nurse working in the emergency department at a hospital in the U.K. He is also a father to his son, Toby, who suffered from epilepsy and seizures as a child. It was their discovery of the ketogenic diet as a treatment for epilepsy that led Andy and his wife, Hayley, to a real sustainable solution.

In their discussion, Brian, Andy, and Hayley talk about the difficulty of raising a son with epilepsy, the devastating effects that prescription medications had on Toby’s mood and mental health, the benefits that come from treating epilepsy, arthritis, migraines, and type 2 diabetes with the ketogenic diet, and the NSNG (No Sugar, No Grains) principle of eating.

Life’s Best Medicine according to Andy and Hailey: “The four of us—our family. Us four together. This experience has brought us closer together. If you are struggling, stick together and ask for help.”

Thank you for listening. Have a blessed day and stay healthy!


Andy Reynolds:

Dr. Brian Lenzkes:

Check out this episode on Libsyn!

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