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Episode 30: Dan Cadmus

by | Mar 31, 2021 | Podcast | 0 comments

Thank you for tuning in for another episode of Life’s Best Medicine. Dan Cadmus is a life coach, health coach, writer, and overall inspiring guy. He has an amazing story to tell. He went from being obese, addicted to a number of different substances, and at the end of his rope, to losing 180 pounds, recovering from his addictions, and finding a better path in life. The initial catalyst for his dietary and overall lifestyle transformation was his discovery of meditation.

In their discussion, Brian and Dan talk about the relationship between poor diet and anxiety/depression, the vicious cycle of guilt and self loathing and unhealthy consumption, and the incredible benefits of this powerhouse combo: eating right, meditation, and physical activity.

Dan shares his thoughts on the importance of self-reflection, being authentic and staying true to oneself, building your identity on something positive like personal growth or helping others, the benefit to oneself and to others of having a positive mindset and bringing a positive attitude to your daily interactions and circumstances, the negativity that can arise from obsessing over small fluctuations in body weight, and the importance of having grace for yourself.

Life’s Best Medicine according to Dan: “Hope. The ability to think of the future through optimistic lenses instead of through negativity. What gives me light—so to speak—is helping other people and emphasizing my own growth and seeing my personal growth as an ever-evolving process. There is no finish line. I am going to keep building on this and becoming the best possible version of myself.”

Thank you for listening. Have a blessed day and stay healthy!


Dan Cadmus:

Dr. Brian Lenzkes:

Check out this episode on Libsyn.

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