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Episode 26: Dr. Nicholas Norwitz

by | Mar 17, 2021 | Podcast | 0 comments

Thank you for tuning in for another episode of Life’s Best Medicine. Dr. Nicholas Norwitz is a researcher and scientist with expertise in, and scientific papers published on, ketosis, brain aging, neuroscience, heart disease, gastrointestinal health, genetics, bone health, diabetes, and other subjects. He has his PhD from Oxford and is currently working on his MD at Harvard.

In their discussion, Brian and Nicholas discuss integrity in medicine and the need for doctors to be humble and open minded, and the importance of having perspective with regard to your own personal afflictions and hardships.

Nicholas developed osteoporosis and colon/gastrointestinal problems when he was in his teens, and the conditions became so severe as to threaten his life.. Seeking to find a cure, and finding little help from doctors, he began researching on his own and found that a ketogenic diet resolved nearly all of his symptoms.

Life’s Best Medicine According to Nicholas: “Curiosity. To be interested and keep asking questions. Furthermore, it is about deciding what is important to you with respect to how you relate to other people. Find your priorities and figure out how to cultivate the qualities that will make you better with regard to those priorities.”

Thank you for listening. Have a blessed day and stay healthy!



Dr. Nicholas Norwitz:

Dr. Brian Lenzkes:

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