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Episode 23: Cynthia Thurlow, NP

by | Mar 3, 2021 | Podcast | 0 comments

Thank you for tuning in for another episode of Life’s Best Medicine. Joining the show today is Cynthia Thurlow—a Nurse Practitioner, nutrition and intermittent fasting expert, podcaster, and speaker.

In their discussion, Brian and Cynthia talk about taking a slow and steady approach and having grace for yourself when seeking to establish a healthier lifestyle. They also discuss bio-individuality and respecting the specific dietary restrictions and preferences of others, the freedom of surrender and acceptance, how to constructively react to setbacks and hardship, and the importance of taking care of yourself in addition to others.

Cynthia talks about the value of compassion and looking out for one another. She explains that taking an active interest in the life of someone else and showing them that you want to understand and help them can be powerful.

Life’s Best Medicine according to Cynthia: Family first. Family is everything. Being of service to others. Food—when and what you eat. Practicing gratitude.”

Thank you for listening. Have a blessed day and stay healthy!


Cynthia Thurlow:

Dr. Brian Lenzkes:

Check out this episode on Libsyn!

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