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Episode 22: Zach Bitter

by | Feb 24, 2021 | Podcast | 0 comments

Joining the show today is Zach Bitter, ultramarathon runner, world-record holder for the 100-mile run and the 12-hour run, and co-host of the Human Performance Outliers Podcast.

In their discussion, Brian and Zach discuss the training involved in running an ultramarathon, the psychology of running and finding the motivation to push forward, Zach’s dietary philosophy, how to stay in a positive mental state in the midst of hardship, and balancing very short and very long-term goals for maximum success.

Life’s Best Medicine according to Zach: “It is finding something you really enjoy to work hard for. Find what makes you excited to wake up in the morning. Ask yourself what is fulfilling to you and embrace that thing. There’s probably a community of other people who embrace that thing as well, and you never know who you’re going to meet and form long-lasting friendships with as a result of pursuing your passion.”

Thank you for listening. Have a blessed day and stay healthy!


Zach Bitter:

Dr. Brian Lenzkes:

Check out this episode on Libsyn!

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