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Episode 176: Ben Bikman Returns

by | Dec 6, 2023 | Podcast | 0 comments

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Dr. Ben Bikman earned a Ph.D. in Bioenergetics at East Carolina University with a focus on the adaptations to metabolic surgeries in obesity. He continued to explore metabolic disorders, with a focus on insulin resistance, as a postdoctoral fellow with the Duke-National University of Singapore. As a professor at Brigham Young University and the director of its Diabetes Research Lab, Dr. Bikman has continued to study insulin, including its role as a regulator of human metabolism, as well as insulin’s relevance in chronic disease. In addition to his research and teaching, Dr. Bikman actively serves as a research mentor to undergraduate and graduate students. He and his students frequently present and publish their findings. He is also the creator of HLTH Code Complete Meal Replacements, “the world’s healthiest (and most delicious) meal replacement shakes.”

Brian and Ben talk about the state of higher education in the United States, the confluence of religious faith and academia, low-fat and low-carb dietary studies that have and have not been done, the multiple facets of men’s health and how it differs from women’s health, the state of open-discussion and debate in the present day, studies on creatine, insulin resistance and diseases of the brain, the convergence of the metabolic and the immune system, the problems with longevity studies, and the value of not taking yourself too seriously.

The Life’s Best Medicine Podcast is sponsored by HLTH Code and Keto-Mojo

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Dr. Ben Bikman:

Dr. Brian Lenzkes: