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Episode 167: Leah Glascox (Koskinen)

by | Oct 4, 2023 | Podcast | 0 comments

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Leah Glascox (Koskinen) is a physician assistant currently working with Dr. Brian Lenzkes at his private medical practice (San Diego Metabolic Health) in San Diego, CA. She is a board certified Physician Assistant who has an interest in metabolic and women’s health, addressing hormone health, as well as lifestyle interventions and overall well-being. Her goals within practicing medicine are to empower patients while educating them on preventative measures and equipping them with the tools needed to optimize their health. Brian and Leah talk about what a physician assistant does and how one can become a PA, the connection between stress and hormonal health, and why taking time to get to know your patient is very important for your patient’s health and wellbeing. They discuss the value of working with a team to help patients, learning from your mistakes and weak moments so that you can prepare for success in the future, why lifestyle changes are so often a better solution than prescription medications, and why Leah decided to become a PA and pursue a career in medicine.

Thank you for listening. Have a blessed day and stay healthy!

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Leah Glascox (Koskinen):


Dr. Brian Lenzkes: