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Episode 16: Brett Lloyd

by | Jan 27, 2021 | Podcast | 0 comments

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Thank you for tuning in for another episode of Life’s Best Medicine. Brett Lloyd is a blues and progressive rock musician as well as a practitioner of the carnivore diet. He is an inspiring guy with an amazing story of physical, emotional, and spiritual recovery to share.

Dr. Brian and Brett discuss growing up in the Protestant faith, dealing with depression and anger in high school and into adulthood, Brett’s rejection of his faith and his turn to hedonism. Then they talked about his incredible, multifaceted recovery via diet and his dramatic reconciliation with the Christian faith, how Brett cured his depression with the carnivore diet, and the power of lifestyle/dietary change for people struggling with sugar and processed food addiction.

Brian and Brett also talked about the legitimacy of personal, experiential validation for religious belief, the importance of hope and faith as an anchor for one’s life, the natural relationship between humans and happiness, and the differences between sadness, grief, and depression.

Life’s Best Medicine according to Brett: “It starts with what you eat, and you need to believe in something that is bigger than yourself. Without that belief—without faith in something—I think trying to find hope is almost impossible. There has got to be a source for hope to come from.”

Thank you for listening. Have a blessed day and stay healthy!


Brett :

Dr. Brian Lenzkes:

Check out this episode!